  • Next Event:  NINE Headquarters, LUCCA (Italy), 17-21 November 2025
  • Early Registration deadline: 12 September, 2025



History and Experience
BES-VUEM has been designed keeping benefit from our past course experiences and the participants’ feedback. The preservation of experimental knowledge, the increasing requests for a systematic and quantitative validation processes and the realistic simulations of complex multi-physics system with quantification of uncertainty are some of the current needs of the nuclear industries facing with the development of new generation of nuclear power plants, including small modular reactors and micro-reactors.

The BES-VUEM Platform provides a set of parallel Courses to transfer the experience and know-how of recognized international experts from different organizations and countries. The courses’ objectives cover the analysis of relevant experimental campaigns and benchmarking, the design process of experimental facilities and nuclear power plants, the development of multi-physics computational tools and safety analysis methods including the validation and the uncertainty quantification processes. Each course consists of 35 hours.


Expected Products

The Training Courses provide a transfer of experience and know-how from recognized experts in the respective fields. It thus contributes to maintaining and increasing technical competence and to ensuring the sustainable development of nuclear technology. All Lectures and Exercises are distributed to the participants. A certificate of attendance is released.


Available Parallel Courses   (for details, click on the BES-VUEM Programme menu on the right)


Thermal-hydraulics Experiments
Description: The primary objective of the course is to contribute to the preservation of the knowledge of the thermal-hydraulic experimental database. An overview about the relevant experiments used to demonstrate the safety of the nuclear power plants is provided with focus on the experimental campaign, on the relevant phenomena investigated as well as on the instrumentation measurements. Nowadays with the development and exploitation of Best 

Estimate codes, the availability of experimental data is fundamental to carry-out the validation process. The second goal of the course is therefore to present the simulations of the experimental tests by the computational models: results and limitations are discussed. Finally the course provides with a summary of the international initiatives to preserve the experimental data and an introduction about a Software for the Automation of Experimental Database Management.

Instructors: A. Petruzzi (NINE), D. De Luca (NINE), M. Cherubini (NINE), M. Modro (NINE), C. Frepoli (FPoliSolutions)

Registration Fee: 3000 / 3200 euros (early/late registrations)

Draft Agenda: click here


Scaling Analysis          



Description: Scaling is a reference ‘key-word’ in nuclear engineering, due to impossibility to get access to measured data in case of accident in nuclear reactors. The relevance of scaling in the water cooled nuclear reactor technology and the associated scaling issue constitute the motivation for this course. General presentation of the scaling issue and an overview of applied scaling methodologies like: Power to Volume Ratio (or Volumetric Scaling Approach), Three-level Scaling Approach, Triad Method Scaling Approach, Hierarchical, Two-Tiered Scaling (H2TS) and Fractional Scaling Analysis (FSA), are presented first. A short presentation of available data for scaling studies followed by some examples based on Separate Effect Tests (SET) and Integral Effect Tests (IET) like: Pressure Responses of Reactor and Containment Vessels, Countercurrent Flows, Mixing and Natural Circulation in Containment Vessel, Mixing and Boron Dilution in Reactor Vessels are presented next. The EMDAP (Evaluation Model Development and Assessment Process) is then illustrated as a roadmap to develop an assessment process and make an adequacy decision for thermal hydraulics codes applicability in nuclear industry. The role of scaling analysis in EMDAP process related to evaluating scalability of SETs, IETs and Thermal Hydraulics System codes is presented and discussed. Also, the use of Thermal Hydraulics System Codes as a tool for scaling analysis and potential issues are discussed and followed with an example for an IET related to Small Modular Rector. The example presents H2TS and FSA hierarchical decomposition of the plant and test facility systems in space as well as accident scenario decomposition in time sequences. Based on the time scaling approach the derivation of equations for two figures of merits, reactor and containment vessels pressure responses and reactor vessel liquid level, is illustrated. The quantification of each term, representing separate agent of change, enables PIRT (Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table) quantification and calculation of scaling distortions. The efficiency of top-down and sufficiency of bottom-up scaling analysis steps are illustrated for several time sequences, and followed with quantification of scaling distortions. The quantified distortions indicate needed improvements in test facility designs and Thermal Hydraulics System codes. An overview of scaling analyses methodologies provides theoretical aspects while the specified practical examples enable familiarity with scaling analysis details.

Instructors: M. Dzodzo (Westinghouse), A. Petruzzi (NINE), W. Giannotti (NINE), C. Frepoli (FPoliSolutions)

Registration Fee: 3000 / 3200 euros (early/late registrations)

Draft Agenda: click here


Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty


Description: Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) methodology implies application of 'realistic' or the so-called 'best estimate' computational codes with uncertainty quantification to the thermal-hydraulic safety analyses of nuclear power plants within the licensing process. The course provides both theoretical lectures, dealing with the licensing aspects and the different available uncertainty methodologies, and practical aspects including hands-on training (both with methods based on propagation of input uncertainties and on propagation of output accuracies) and discussion about industrial case studies. Finally the course provides with an introduction about a Software platform for a fully digital and dynamic BEPU Licensing Application.

Instructors: A. Petruzzi (NINE), C. Frepoli (FPoliSolutions), R. P. Martin (BWXT), W. Giannotti (NINE)

Registration Fee: 3000 / 3200 euros (early/late registrations)

Draft Agenda: click here


Validation Process, Accuracy and Uncertainty Quantification



Description: The validation process of Best Estimate codes and associated nodalization techniques is nowadays a more and more demanding activity to demonstrate the capabilities of the developed computational models to realistically simulate the behavior of the nuclear power plants. The goal of the course is to present the procedures for carrying-out the Validation Process of Best Estimate codes and associated nodalization techniques and the Qualification of the NPP Evaluation Models. The course includes hands-on training devoted to the simulations of experiments and the preparation of validation reports. The methods to quantify the result of the validation process, which is defined as accuracy, are presented as well as the methodology for evaluating the uncertainty associated to the simulations of the accident scenarios in the nuclear power plants. Finally the course provides with an introduction about the V&V automation Software for a maximum regulatory transparency and traceability.

Instructors: A. Petruzzi (NINE), M. Modro (NINE), M. Cherubini (NINE), D. De Luca (NINE)

Registration Fee: 3000 / 3200 euros (early/late registrations)

Draft Agenda: click here


Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation (M&S) and Applications



Description: The aim of the course is to introduce the participants to the state-of the-art Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation (M&S) development and applications in the nuclear industry. Traditional and novel modelling and simulation tools for Reactor Physics, Fuel Performance, Thermal-Hydraulics and Structural Mechanics analysis are presented as well as the current multinational efforts for the development of novel Multi-Physics modelling and simulation tools (U.S. DOE CASL, NEAMS, and Exascale Computing Project; EC NURESAFE, NEAMS, and McSAFE, etc.…). The mathematical tools for Uncertainties and Sensitivity Analysis are also discussed with emphasis on Data Assimilation Methods and Predictive Modeling Methodology as well as on consistent Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation through different physics phenomena and modeling scales. Finally, the course provides with an overview about the current practices for Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Verification and Validation (V&V) and the international OECD/NEA Benchmarks devoted to Multi-Physics Applications (LWR UAM, MPCMIV, Rostov-2 VVER-1000, TVA Watts Bar 1, and C5G7-TD).

Instructors: K. Ivanov (NCSU), M. Avramova (NCSU), A. Petruzzi (NINE)

Registration Fee: 3000 / 3200 euros (early/late registrations)

Draft Agenda: click here