Thermal-Hydraulics Core Analysis: Phenomenology and Computational Tools
  • Next Event:  NINE Headquarters, LUCCA (Italy), 22-26 September 2025
  • Early Registration 25 July 2025

MMARS - Thermal-Hydraulics Core Analysis: Phenomenology and Computational Tools

Day 1
•    Opening, Introduction, Scope and Content of the training
•    Core Thermal-Hydraulic Model Requirements within the Standard Review Plan
•    Core Thermal Design – Single Channel
•    Two-Phase Core Thermal Design
•    Hot Channel Analysis
•    Single-Channel Analysis
•    Core Modeling Needs for LOCA Safety Analyses

Day 2
•    Core Thermal Hydraulic Codes Available in Industry
•    COBRA Code and Methods
•    COBRA Applications
•    COBRA Model Description
•    Boundary Conditions for COBRA

Day 3
•    COBRA Modeling of PWR Core
•    Qualification of COBRA Model for non-LOCA Analyses
•    Qualification of COBRA Model for LOCA Analyses
•    Qualification of COBRA Fuel Rod Model
•    Interfaces with Other Disciplines (Core Physics and Fuel Rod Thermomechanics)

Day 4
•    Sample Studies and Class Exercises

Day 5
•    Applications and Future Use of Detailed Core Models
•    LOCA Applications
•    Questions, Open Issues and Individual Consultations
•    Evaluation of the Training Course