Conference Awards
The best professional paper will be selected by the BEPU-2018 Reviewers Commitee and will be awarded with a complementary publication on a special issue of the Nuclear Technology journal (sponsored by Taylor & Francis).
The award will be assigned during the Social Dinner on Wednesday 16 May.
The best three student papers will be selected by the BEPU-2018 Reviewers Commitee:
- The best paper: A complementary publication on a special issue of the
Nuclear Technology journal (sponsored by Taylor & Francis)
- The second paper: 300 euros prize money
- The third paper: 200 euros prize money
The awards will be assigned during the Social Dinner on Wednesday 16 May.
Three reviewers who contributed more to increase the quality level of the BEPU-2018 papers, will be awarded during the Social Dinner on Wednesday 16 May.
Conference Honors
A honor ceremony will be held during the Social Dinner on Monday 14 May with four events based on the following subjects:
A - For the pioneering contribution to the establishment of the BEPU approach
B - For the contribution to foster the BEPU approach in international
C - For the contribution to the advancements in BEPU technology
D - For BEPU safety application in licensing framework