CANDU T-H (Blind Benchmark on CANDU Thermal-hydraulics)
The BFBT (NUPEC BWR Full-size Fine-mesh Bundle Tests) and PSBT (NUPEC PWR Sub-channel Bundle Tests) benchmarks provided direct benefits to the industry for testing the capabilities for simulating void fraction, pressure drop and CHF and for the development and validation of new methods. It has been almost a decade since the initial benchmarks were performed and a considerable amount of development has been done since that time.
CANDU geometry and conditions while different than BWR/PWR, cover a some conditions of interest (e.g. some CHF occurs in annular film dryout conditions while other data covers nucleate boiling heat transfer). There is international interest in a new benchmark for full scale data in bundle geometries. The operators in Canada have agreed in principle to release some full scale data from their experimental data base for CHF and Post Dry Out phenomena.
McMaster University is developing the benchmark specifications and the kick-off meeting will be held at ANS BEPU Conference.